Aykaz Arzumanyan Art | BelArt Gallery
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Aykaz Arzumanyan

Aykaz Arzumanyan, born in 1977 in Yerevan, Armenia, is a professional painter who grew up near Mount Ararat and the Hrazdan river. After moving to Russia in 1993 and studying art law, he immersed himself in the art world, organizing international exhibitions. However, his passion for creating art led him to devote his life to painting. Settling permanently in France in 2004, he became a renowned abstract and modern artist known for his meticulous techniques. His studio serves as a laboratory where he experiments with various materials, each stroke on the canvas executed with precision, though any mistake prompts him to start anew. His love for his work transcends the limitations of photographs, failing to capture the true essence of his creations.

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